
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Make Harvest Home Festival an Annual Family Tradition

Nothing stirs nostalgic sentiment like the traditions centered on autumn and harvest time. Many area families count Longstreet Farm’s Harvest Home Festival as one of their favorite fall destinations. You’re invited to come to Longstreet Farm between 11am-5pm on Sunday, September 30 to enjoy a full schedule of harvest fun with an historic twist. 

What would a harvest festival be without a celebration of the bounty of the land? Longstreet Farm staff have been busy through the summer tending to the crops. You can be help with the harvest by digging potatoes and taking home what you gather! Come early because the crop is limited. Other farming activities include plowing and beekeeping demonstrations throughout the afternoon.

Is your pumpkin the biggest in the county? Is your homemade jam the talk of the town? Gardeners and crafters are encouraged to display their produce and home goods in a friendly competition in categories that include vegetables, baked goods, canning, condiments, needlework, quilting, and rug hooking. Ribbons will be awarded for the best selections in each category. Entry is free but the registration deadline is September 26, all entries (except baked goods) must be dropped off to the farm by this date. Baked goods should be dropped off on the morning of the event between 9-10am. Click here for an entry form and detailed category listing.

Another popular event is the pie eating contest, with three divisions for children ages 8 and under, ages 9-14, and adults. There is no fee to enter, but visitors must register with farm staff upon arrival. Competitors will surely want to wash down their pie with a cold cup of apple cider, freshly made on an antique cider press.

Children of all ages will enjoy old-fashioned lawn games, rides on our horse-drawn wagons, and hands-on craft demonstrations including weaving, embroidery, and rug hooking.  Entertainment includes the Chorus of the Atlantic, the Jugtown Mountain Band, Music Man Rich Marzec, and banjo player Chuck Winch.

For a full schedule of the day’s activities and directions to Longstreet Farm visit our Harvest Home Festival page, or call (732) 842-4000, ext. 4312.

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