
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ready for Some Spring Fun?

With spring just around the corner, this is the perfect time to become reacquainted with all that your County parks have to offer. From trails to playgrounds, historic sites to off-leash dog areas, special events to programs, and so much more; nothing can beat the Monmouth County Park System's ever growing list of activities for all ages and interests.

If you've had a moment to browse our Spring Program Directory, you've noticed that there are many new programs to get you out and enjoying your favorite parks. We hope you'll set aside time in your busy schedule for you and your family to enjoy pleasant spring days learning a new hobby, finding new ways to keep healthy, or creating memories that will last a lifetime.Check out these wonderful new happenings for this spring season:

Drop-In Surprise Story Time

Deep Cut Gardens, Middletown, is by far one of the best places to view spring blooms. Take some time out this spring season with your children to enjoy a favorite nature- or garden-related story as read by some of our wonderful Park System staffers and volunteers. If it's rainy or cold outside, we'll meet in the Horticultural Center. But if the weather is nice a clue at the entrance will lead you to our secret story spot out in the garden. This free program is available from 11-11:45am on the following Saturdays: March 9, March 23, April 6, April 20, May 4, and May 18. 

Celebrating Blue, A Bluebell Festival

If you've never visited Historic Walnford in Upper Freehold, Sunday, April 14 is a perfect day to do so! From 11am-5pm families can enjoy crafts, story telling, music, games, milling, and so much more as we take a day to celebrate the approach of spring and the fleeting appearance of the bluebells along Crosswicks Creek.

Spring Craft Show

This brand new craft show is just in time for Mother's Day! Stop in to find a unique, hand crafted gift for your loved ones or a special person in your life. Join us on Saturday, April 27 from 9am-2pm at the Tatum Park Red Hill Activity Center, Middletown, to view all the beautiful items on display. If you're a crafter and would like to reserve a booth, call us at (732) 542-1642, ext. 30.

Nature Next Door

Nature is everywhere! At home, school, work, and your favorite park. We want to hear about all the wonderful things you're seeing! Take our online survey to report your findings; not sure what you saw? Email a photo or question to one of our Park System Naturalists and they'll be able to help. Be sure to enter your findings often; with your entry you'll be eligible to win our grand prize! Other prizes will be given for rare or endangered animal sightings and for the most submissions. For more details, visit us here.

Passport to the Parks!

Ready to get out and discover the parks? Pick up your passport and a list of suggested programs, events, and activities to do throughout the Park System. When you arrive at the park to enjoy an activity, you will find a Park System emblem at our kiosks to rub into your book. After enjoying much fun, and once you've gotten eight rubbings into your passport, return it to us at Thompson Park to receive a prize for your achievement! Passports will be available starting March 1. For full details, visit our Passport to the Parks web page.

Rockin' the Trails 2013

This may be an annual family adventure, but in 2013 it's all new! Discover new places in the parks with this fun family activity. By visiting various parks you will discover a secret nature quote by orienting yourself along trails and special areas of the parks. The expedition can be completed at family's pace throughout the entire year. When your special Rockin' the Trails brochure is complete, return it to one of our Environmental Centers to retrieve your prize and also be entered into a grand prize drawing.

Don't miss out on all of these wonderful opportunities to explore and enjoy your Monmouth County Park System parks. For full details on all of our spring programs, be sure to pick up a copy of the Spring Program Directory currently available within most Monmouth County parks.

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